The Research

Over 15 years of practice, I’ve leveraged evidence-based modalities to bridge the vital connection between physical and mental health. 

Below is a curated selection of research underscoring the importance of my focus areas.

Therapeutic Mentoring

A healthy lifestyle is positively associated with mental health and well-being (BMC Medicine)

This article emphasizes the bidirectional relationship between physical and mental health, illustrating how poor physical health can lead to an increased risk of developing mental health problems, and vice versa. Read more.

The relationship between physical and mental health: A mediation analysis (PubMed)

This study delves into the complex pathways linking mental and physical health, offering evidence that improving physical health can have a positive impact on mental health and vice versa. Read more.

Nutrition, Brain and Gut Health

Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food (Harvard Health)

This article from Harvard Health Blog discusses how the foods we eat affect our brain and, consequently, our mental health, highlighting the role of mindfulness in choosing foods that support mental well-being. Read more.

The Brain-Gut Connection (Johns Hopkins Medicine)

Johns Hopkins Medicine discusses the connection between the gut and brain health, including how mindfulness practices like meditation can positively impact mood and mental well-being through gut health. Read more.

Nutrition and mental health: A review of current knowledge (PubMed)

This review highlights recent research on the effects of nutrition on mental status, underscoring the importance of diet in mental health and well-being. Read more.

Body Movement

Role of Physical Activity on Mental Health and Well-Being: A Review (NBCI)

This review consolidates evidence that physical activity significantly benefits mental health and well-being, highlighting how exercise can alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Read more.

Physical Activity Is Good for the Mind and the Body (U.S. Department of HHS)

This article sheds light on the myriad benefits of physical activity for both the mind and body, including improved mood, reduced anxiety, and enhanced cognitive function. Read more.

Community Building

Social Relationships and Health: A Flashpoint for Health Policy (PubMed)

This piece explores how social relationships significantly impact both mental and physical health, suggesting that a supportive social network can enhance health outcomes. Read more.

The Health Benefits of Strong Relationships (Harvard Health)

This article from Harvard Health Publishing discusses how social support from family, friends, and the community leads to happier lives and fewer health problems, highlighting the significant impact of strong relationships on overall well-being. Read more.

Connection with Nature

Nature and Mental Health: An Ecosystem Service Perspective (ScienceDirect)

This study provides an ecosystem service perspective on the relationship between nature and mental health, showing that access to natural environments significantly contributes to mental well-being and stress reduction. Read more.

The Psychological Benefits of Outdoor Natural Environments (APA PsycNet)

Research indicates that exposure to outdoor natural environments can lead to improved mood, reduced anxiety, and enhanced emotional stability, highlighting the mental health benefits of connecting with nature. Read more.

Cultivating Awareness

Effects of Mindfulness on Psychological Health (PubMed)

This review assesses the effects of mindfulness-oriented interventions on psychological health, including mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), highlighting their positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. Read more.

How meditation helps with depression (Harvard Health)

Harvard Health Publishing discusses various treatments for depression, highlighting ongoing research that supports meditation as an effective practice for reducing symptoms of depression alongside traditional treatments. Read more.

Sleep Hygiene

Improving sleep quality leads to better mental health: A meta-analysis (NIH)

This meta-analysis examines the relationship between sleep quality and mental health, finding that improvements in sleep hygiene significantly enhance mental well-being. The study underscores the critical role of good sleep practices in maintaining and improving mental health. Read more.

Sleep Hygiene Practices and Its Impact on Mental Health and Well-being (NIH)

This study investigates the association between sleep hygiene practices and their impact on mental health among adults. It reveals a significant link between poor sleep hygiene and the frequency of sleep problems, highlighting the importance of good sleep practices for mental and emotional well-being. Read more.


Spirituality, religiousness, and mental health: A review of the current literature (NIH)

This comprehensive review explores the complex relationship between spirituality/religiousness (S/R) and mental health, highlighting the bidirectional effects and how religious beliefs can serve as a coping mechanism in distress. The review underscores the potential positive impact of spirituality on mental well-being. Read more.

The Relationship Between Spirituality, Health-Related Behavior, and Psychological Well-Being (Frontiers)

This study delves into how spirituality positively influences both physical and mental health, contributing to emotional and existential well-being. It provides evidence of spirituality's role in enhancing life satisfaction and mental health resilience. Read more.

Healthy Relationships

Life-Saving Relationships (American Psychological Association)

A meta-analysis by Brigham Young University found a 50% increase in survival rates across all demographics linked directly to strong social relationships, highlighting the life-extending power of social bonds. Read More.

The Science of Why Friendship Keeps Us Happy (American Psychological Association)

New research underlines that loneliness and lack of quality friendships can increase the risk for several health issues, emphasizing the benefits of quality relationships for mental well-being. Read more.

Social Connectedness as a Determinant of Mental Health (NIH)

The research found significant links between social support constructs and mental health outcomes, highlighting the protective role of strong relationships.

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