My Journey

A Journey of Discovery

My healing journey began with a deep quest for self-love and understanding human challenges.

During my teens and early 20s, I faced numerous mental and physical health issues, including addiction, eating disorders, brain fog, autoimmune disorders, and digestive problems. Over decades of hard work and dedication, I achieved significant healing.

The limitations of traditional Western medicine led me to explore integrative and holistic wellness approaches. Today, I'm committed to sharing the tools and strategies that restored my health and well-being with my clients.

Cultivating Community

Our well-being is profoundly influenced by the company we keep. Surrounding ourselves with supportive, loving individuals who are dedicated to their healing journey, as well as ours, can greatly enhance our path to wellness.

At the core of my approach is the belief that a strong, nurturing community is essential for health. I strive to create spaces where clients can form meaningful connections, including my chronic illness support group. These gatherings are designed not just as social events but as pillars of support, fostering an environment where everyone can thrive in health, freedom, and joy.

A Very Personal Mission: Supporting My Husband’s Cancer Journey

In November 2022, my husband Pete's cancer diagnosis marked the beginning of our most challenging journey together. Despite exhaustive treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy, the cancer progressed to Stage 4.

At this critical juncture, we embraced an integrative approach, incorporating therapies aligned with Resilient Grace's focus areas. These included Nutrition and Gut Health, Awareness Practices, Spiritual Exploration, Body Movement, Community Building, Connection with Nature, Targeted Supplementation, Sleep Hygiene, and Stress Reduction. We also pursued holistic treatments like high-dose Vitamin C, daily juice fasting, and Mistletoe infusions. This holistic strategy was crucial to Pete's recovery, leading him to a remarkable, cancer-free state today.

Pete's journey highlights the profound impact of an integrative approach, demonstrating its potential to catalyze healing against the odds. It has reinforced my mission to view challenges as invaluable teachers, guiding our clients toward growth, self-awareness, and lasting wellness.

A Commitment to Growth

My greatest purpose is my commitment to personal growth, healing, and spiritual development. I've dedicated my career to sharing what I've learned from my own journey and serving others in ways that honor their individuality.

I look forward to working with you and supporting you on your healing journey.