Nurturing Healing, Together

Hi, I’m Tasha, Integrative Health Coach and Therapeutic Mentor.

I collaborate with like-minded mental health practitioners to bridge the gap between traditional and integrative therapies.

My multidisciplinary approach can complement your practice and enhance your clients' journey by providing an additional layer of day-to-day support and accountability.

A Team Approach to Client Care

Traditional therapy is foundational, yet high-need clients often benefit from additional, day-to-day support through mentoring or life coaching support. This is especially true for clients facing chronic illness or neurodiversity in addition to other mental health challenges.

Leveraging a range of science-backed healing modalities focused on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, I can enrich your client’s healing journey with support and accountability beyond your weekly sessions.

My Approach

Grounded in decades of scientific Research, my methodologies are built on the essential connection between physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. A 360-degree perspective can empower our clients to achieve true healing and transformation.

Discover the Research behind my approach.

  • With 15 years of experience, I help clients identify and overcome survival patterns and self-limiting beliefs that hinder growth and well-being.

  • Through targeted nutrition and supplementation, I help clients achieve optimal physical health.

  • I help clients cultivate a sense of peace, and presence, essential tools for mental health and resilience.

  • Enhance the depth and quality of client’s relationships through cultivating conflict resolution skil

  • I design a body movement plan that aligns with each client's unique needs, promoting stress reduction, fitness, and self-esteem.

  • I help clients build supportive communities, fostering a sense of belonging and shared growth.

  • I guide clients to rediscover their bond with the natural world, which supports physical, mental, and spiritual health.

  • I work with clients to establish healthy sleep habits, enhancing daily energy, cognitive function, and emotional balance.

  • I encourage clients to engage with their spiritual beliefs and practices, fostering inner peace, resilience, and a deeper understanding of self.

Practitioner Testimonials

Here are a few partner therapists who’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of working with me on their clients' healing processes. Please get in touch with me for referrals.

  • "Partnering with Tasha has added a valuable dimension to my practice. Her unique approach to holism has been instrumental in helping my clients achieve deeper, more lasting healing."

    Dr. Emily R., Psychotherapist

  • "I have had the good fortune of working with Tasha over many years and on various clinical teams. She builds rapport and trust with clients easefully and her collaboration and partnership with other professionals is always engaged, consistent, and dependable. A true team player!!"

    Kimberly B, Educational Consultant

  • "Many of my clients require support beyond our weekly sessions. Tasha has been instrumental in offering that extra layer of care, significantly enhancing their overall outcomes."

    Dr. Chris T, Psychotherapist

Empathy and Experience: The Foundations of My Practice

Throughout my teens and early 20s, I navigated myriad health challenges, from addiction and eating disorders to brain fog, anxiety, depression, auto-immune diseases, and digestive issues. Through seemingly endless self-work and experimentation with a combination of Western and Eastern healing protocols, I found lasting healing. This inspired me to launch Resilient Grace to support others in their healing journeys.

Over 15 years of practice, I've passionately shared the same tools and strategies that transformed my health and life. My approach is rooted in lived experience and teamwork, offering a depth of understanding, empathy, and efficacy that sets me apart from others in my field.

Unifying Mind & Body for Optimal Health

Emerging research underscores the impact of a healthy body and brain on emotional resilience and mental health.

That’s why it’s so important to understand and utilize this connection to maximize client outcomes.

Over and over again, I've witnessed how improving diet, sleep, and exercise routine while providing therapeutic support has produced incredible transformations.

A Healing Community Support Group for your Clients.

Do your clients face chronic illness, whether physical or emotional?

My monthly Chronic Illness Support Group is free and open to anyone interested in healing. It provides a community where we can share, learn, and grow with others facing similar chronic challenges.

No one should feel alone in their journey.

Get your clients additional support

Whether through phone, Zoom, or in-person, let’s discuss how we can work together to support your clients’ health and well-being.