Physical Healing

Tap into your body’s innate wisdom to self-heal.

With the right nourishment and care, we can overcome many health challenges and chronic illnesses, even decades-old issues deemed incurable by doctors.

I supplement my client’s healing path by creating balance and alignment across key body systems. These include the nervous, brain, digestion/gut, immune, adrenal, cardiovascular, lymphatic, and endocrine systems.

Focus Areas

Immune System: All health challenges begin when the immune system is compromised. Learn how to align and optimize this critical system for healing.

Nervous System: Discover the underlying causes of nervous system dysregulation and the tools needed to restore it to balance.

Adrenal Support: Come out of fight/flight/freeze responses, decrease stress hormones, and understand the role that adrenal regulation plays in physical and mental health.

Digestion/Gut: Learn about the main components that affect digestion and gut health, including viruses, bacteria, ammonia permeability, bile, and hydrochloric acid levels.

Brain Function: Find real solutions to nourish and detoxify your brain. Understand the root causes of brain inflammation, brain fog, and mental health conditions.

Liver and other Detox Centers: Learn how to optimize your liver, a critical organ responsible for over 2,000 bodily functions.

Cardiovascular System: Cardiovascular health depends on oxygenated and clean blood. Learn how to purify and strengthen your blood to improve cardiovascular health.

Endocrine System: Discover dietary adjustments, targeted supplementation, and stress management techniques to balance your hormones.

Lymphatic System: Understand the role of lymphocytes in the lymphatic system and how to support other organs, such as the liver, to maximize lymphatic health and detoxification.

  • Nutrition Support: Smoothies, fresh juice, and meals featuring whole, nutrient-dense foods, everything fresh and easy to digest.

  • Supplementation: Targeted supplements and herbs address nutritional deficiencies and support overall body function.

  • Stress Management: Mindfulness meditation, breathwork, and yoga reduce the impact of stress on the body.

  • Detoxification: Evaluate and reduce exposure to environmental toxins in your food, water, air, household products.

  • Restorative Sleep: A sleep routine that encourages deep, restorative rest is crucial for effective recovery and long-term health.

  • Hydration: Purified water and fresh juice play a critical role in detoxification, nutrient transport, and overall cellular health.

  • My Network: My team of integrative healers, including acupuncturist, chiropractors, massage therapists, energy healers, and homeopaths can support your healing journey.

Embracing Medical Medium Insights for Holistic Healing

Anthony William has gained recognition for his unique approach to healing, which focuses on treating the root causes of various conditions through specific dietary recommendations. He emphasizes the healing powers of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other wild foods, juices, smoothies, and supplements, particularly for chronic and misunderstood illnesses.

I’ve integrated many of Anthony’s protocols to heal my own gut, autoimmune, brain, and digestion challenges. I also integrate much of his work into my coaching framework, adapting his guidance on nutrition and supplementation to enhance my clients' wellness journeys. 

I align healing foods and remedies with each individual's health needs, creating a tailored approach supporting the body's natural healing processes. This approach emphasizes restoring and balancing key systems such as the gut, liver, and immune systems.

Small Steps, Big Impact

Don’t worry - we won't address everything at once. Initially, we'll focus on simple, impactful changes—what I call the "low-hanging fruit." These are strategies that yield significant improvements quickly. 

As you start to see positive changes and experience the benefits, your motivation will naturally increase. This excitement will fuel your journey, making it easier to implement additional changes that lead to greater health, joy, and well-being.