Thriving With Neurodiversity

Building Independence, Confidence, and Lifelong Skills

Navigating a world designed for neurotypicals can be challenging when you have a neurodivergent brain. At Resilient Grace, we help young adults navigate this world, developing key life skills in communication, independent living, and relationships. We empower clients to achieve their full potential through hands-on, relationship-focused, day-to-day support.

Our Approach

  • We offer individualized one-on-one coaching for people with autism, ADHD, and similar neurodivergent conditions. Together, we identify measurable goals and create a plan for relationships, executive functioning, employment, money management, college, independent living, and more.

  • Initially, we meet weekly for 1-2 hours, usually at the client’s home. As progress is made, we reduce frequency to encourage independence.

  • In parent coaching, we discuss your concerns and prioritize goals based on the importance and urgency of the challenges. In essence, we are "coaching the coach," helping you shift from a parental dynamic to that of a partnership with your adult child. We look for ways to make the biggest impact with the least effort.

  • Quick check-ins via text and email are included for all active clients, ensuring continuous support and guidance.

Neurodiversity Services

We empower neurodivergent adults to harness their unique strengths and achieve their goals in independence, relationships, employment, education, and executive functioning. We also offer coaching for parents, guiding them to understand, connect with, and support their adult children in overcoming obstacles and accomplishing remarkable achievements.

Connection Skills

We teach these skills step-by-step, ensuring our clients can confidently navigate social interactions in a variety of settings.

College/Career Development

We help clients explore and follow through with educational and career paths that align with their strengths and interests.

Communication Skills

We teach the art of reciprocal conversation, active listening, interpreting social cues, and asking thoughtful questions.

Executive Functioning Skills

We assist in developing and improving organizational and management skills, crucial for daily life and professional success.

Non-verbal Communication

We teach interpretation of facial expressions, body language nuances, and non-verbal cues necessary for effective communication.

Independent Living

From managing finances to planning for the future, we support our clients in achieving independence and self-sufficiency.

Healthy Relationships

We guide clients through friendship and relationships, helping them build healthy, safe, and solid connections.


From managing triggers to building healthy coping strategies, we support our neurodivergent clients in overcoming addiction and maintaining recovery.

Healthy Living

From nutrition and exercise to sleep hygiene and calming strategies, we help our clients create a foundation of physical health.

The Difference Between Coaching & Therapy

We take a step beyond therapy to help young adults achieve their goals through day-to-day support, communciation, and accountability. Here’s what makes us different from traditional therapy.


Therapy delves into understanding and healing from past experiences, addressing emotional and psychological issues, and diagnosing mental health conditions. Coaching is future-oriented, focusing on setting and achieving specific goals and establishing practical steps and strategies.


Therapists aim to help clients process emotions, understand their mental health conditions, and develop coping mechanisms. Coaches aim to empower clients by helping them build life skills, improve daily functioning, and reach personal and professional goals.


Therapy uses techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis to address mental health issues. Coaching employs action plans, and skills training, supporting clients with regular check-ins and accountability to maintain progress.

Team Approach:

Coaching complements the existing care team, often including a psychotherapist, educational consultant, and family coach. By focusing on practical applications, coaches help clients apply therapeutic insights to real-life situations.

Options for Receiving Support

We support our clients through one or more of the following options, depending on their location, needs, and preferences.

Video Conferencing Sessions

We offer the convenience of video conferencing to ensure continuous support, providing a visual connection that enhances our coaching sessions.

We meet clients in comfortable, real-life settings, such as coffee shops or bookstores, which makes the coaching process more relatable and effective.

In-Person Sessions


We provide regular text check-ins with our clients to ensure they can reach out for support as daily challenges arise. This is included in our service.

Client Profiles

We support clients with a variety of diagnoses, including autism (ASD Level 1) and ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder), communication disorders, sensory processing disorders, nonverbal learning disorders, and substance abuse disorders. We also help those with anxiety and depression, learning disabilities like dyslexia and dysgraphia, pathological demand avoidance, and oppositional defiance disorder, among others.

If you struggle with the following, we can help.

  • Understanding your own individual needs, goals, and desires for life

  • Initiating and completing tasks

  • Managing perfectionism and fear of failure

  • Creating structure and organization in your daily schedule

  • Recovering from burnout

  • Managing anxiety in social situations

  • Making and maintaining friendships and romantic relationships

  • Establishing healthy habits around nutrition, sleep, exercise, and stress management

  • Managing substance use and addictions/coping mechanisms

  • Developing life skills essential for success at work, school, or independent living

  • Social exhaustion from masking/trying to fit in

  • Understanding neurotypicals and what seems intuitive to others

  • Developing effective time management skills

  • Understanding yourself and your neurodiversity

  • Addressing external pressure from the Neurotypical community, parents, friends, etc.

  • Managing transitions and changes in routine

  • Seeing how incredible you are!