The transformative power of pets

If you’ve ever had the experience of returning home after a challenging day and knowing that no matter what happened, your dog will greet you with a wagging tail and a loving nuzzle, then you can understand the power pets can play in the transmission of the feeling of unconditional love. I personally have had direct experiences with dogs, but the variety of animals that people can connect with is unlimited, cats, birds, snakes, hamsters, horses, turtles, and beyond.

The Multifaceted Rewards of Animal Companionship

The benefit of having animals in one’s life is multifaceted. It can be an excellent way to help us learn responsibility and how to show up and care for another living being. Often animals can also reflect back to us things that we are working on in our path, and can inspire us to learn to be more patient, disciplined, and aware. If we have an animal that has been rescued, occasionally we are embracing even a deeper challenge, as animals that have been through trauma require a greater need of understanding, patience, compassion and also devotion to retraining and cultivating a nurturing environment that is a direct contrast to what they have experienced in the past. What we do for ourselves, we do for others and vice versa, so being of service in this way with animals, can allow us to extend this care of our heart, and this also reverberates back to us and all around us.

The Emotional Alchemy of Animal Interaction

Have you ever seen a disheartened person be lifted and lightened by the approach of a loving and innocent animal? I most certainly have, I find it both humorous and amazing how a sweet animal can affect even the most begrudged into a state of joy and playfulness.

Lessons in Mindfulness and Growth

Raising and giving a home to an animal can also help us have perspective on the process of growth. Jack Kornfield, an esteemed meditation Teacher, says that a helpful approach to mindfulness meditation can be one that is similar to “training a puppy.“ In meditation we bring the mind back to the moment with gentleness and presence, just like we train a puppy, if we get too harsh and rigid, the puppy is traumatized, and can rebel, and we are this way in relationship with ourself as well. Therefore, the training of the puppy, or whatever animal that needs training, can remind us of what approaches are truly helpful and promote growth in an uplifting, non-shaming way.

The Unconditional Love of Pets

For some people, sharing space with the unconditionally loving presence of an animal feels much safer than being with other humans at the time. There is power in the connection we can experience from knowing that our animal loves and approves of us no matter what mistakes we have made, or what thoughts or feelings we experience, or what addictions we currently have, or what fears or self doubts may visit us. We get to see witness that they love us no matter what, exactly as we are, not requiring us to be otherwise.

The Emotional Journey with My Rescue Dog

When I reflect on the love, joy, and silliness that my own rescue dog has provided me with I get a lump in my throat and tears stream down my face. As she embraces me unconditionally, she also encourages me to practice doing the same for her, because although she is unconditionally loving, she is also extremely neurotic and traumatized from her past, and has a hard time in certain circumstances and situations, which requires my patience, understanding, wisdom, and also… humor!..and I definitely lose my temper at times, it’s a practice, for sure. And yet I knew she was the right dog for me because when I saw her face, I was inspired to action, to apply for her, and later receive her and all that her existence brings. She is my trusty companion on hikes, at parks, on trips, and any and everywhere else I can bring her. It brings a smile to my face when I see others in my life who also share this pet companionship.

The Responsibility of Pet Ownership

To take into account if you are at the right stage of your life to truly give a pet refuge with you is important. It demands a level of responsibility and stability. Many youths I have worked with have gone through this process of getting a pet too early and having to soon release that pet back to where it was rescued from, or rehome it. So, while the foundation of this article is about the benefit of caring for a pet, the considerations of what is needed to truly provide a loving sanctuary and to be ready for what one is stepping into with this endeavor is significant.

A Heartfelt Thank You to My Pets

Whether you have experienced a special bond with a pet of your own or you have yet to, it can be another connection in life that offers care, companionship, joy, healing, and many more lessons. I suppose this is my thank you letter to my pets, past and present, and sharing my experience of what upliftment can come from connecting to a pet.


Healthy Relationships: The Power of Authentic Connections


The practice of self-love and compassion