7 Simple Tools to Heal Brain Fog and Enhance Cognitive Function

I've struggled with brain fog and cognitive issues for decades. After seeking help from numerous Western and alternative doctors, I found relief only when I discovered certain protocols that address the root causes of these problems. Here are the top six tools that have helped me and can help you, too.

1. Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

A root cause of many brain issues is toxic heavy metals in the brain. These metals are present in our food, water, cleaning products, and even personal care items. Exposure to radiation from travel, x-rays, and various scans also contributes. This smoothie helps detoxify heavy metals from the brain, which affects mood, focus, groundedness, and decision-making abilities. If you are feeling mentally tired, 16 ounces of this smoothie can often immediately improve brain function.

See Recipe HERE

2. Living Water Hydration

Chronic dehydration often underlies brain fog. Drinking 14 ounces of living water every hour, made by adding a spritz of lemon or lime, ensures proper hydration. This practice balances nutrients and minerals in the brain and central nervous system, supporting detoxification and optimal function, especially when battling viral issues or consuming a standard American diet high in salt and fat. Organic, no sugar-added coconut water is another excellent source of hydration with a wonderful mix of nutrients our brains love. If you’re not a fan of the taste of coconut water, squeeze half a lime into your glass.

3. High-Quality Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, particularly in the forms of methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, is crucial for brain and nervous system function. Environmental pollutants, diet, caffeine, and emotional stress deplete B12 reserves. Supplementing with high-quality B12 helps restore optimal brain health and central nervous system function.

4. Grounding Practices

Our fast-paced, stressful lives demand grounding practices to help us slow down and self-regulate. Techniques like meditation, journaling, yoga, and walking in nature can shift our nervous system from a state of chaos to one of calm. This "relaxation response" improves cognitive function by grounding us in the present moment and reducing the production of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.

5. Critical Sleep

We’ve all experienced extreme mental fatigue from a bad night’s rest. That’s why it’s so important to plan a sleep schedule, including when you go to bed and when you wake up, within a 30-minute window each night. The hours between 10 PM and 2 AM are crucial for deep rest and rejuvenation. During this time, the body undergoes healing processes, especially for the liver, lymphatic system, cognitive function, immune system, and endocrine function. Going to bed late can disrupt these processes, so it's vital to honor these optimal hours for sleep to support brain health.

6. Celery Juice

Celery juice is a powerful herbal medicine that supports brain and cognitive function. It contains essential mineral salts that feed neurotransmitters, acting as a complete electrolyte. Celery juice helps cleanse neurotoxins, viruses, and toxic heavy metals, improving cognitive function. Incorporating it into your daily regimen can yield surprising results over time.

Our favorite is this hands-free juicer by Kuving USA. It’s an investment, but with a 15-year warranty, it’s something you’ll have for a very long time. This juices twice as fast as traditional slow-feed masticating juicers.

7. Adrenal Snacks

Providing your brain with the right blend of glucose and mineral salts every few hours is essential for cognitive function. Adrenal snacks, which combine fruits and starchy vegetables with leafy greens, lemon, lime, and celery, support the brain and nervous system. Adrenal snacking supports the nervous system and brain function by supplying critical nutrients that directly fuel our ability to think clearly, feel more grounded and centered, and avoid deficiencies that create cognitive decline.

Check out my article, 10 Snacks to Support Adrenal Health and Cognitive Function.


While some of these remedies may seem obvious, their true power is revealed through consistent practice. I struggled with brain fog, mental health issues, mood swings, migraines, and blurry vision for years. However, by faithfully incorporating these tools, I have experienced significant healing. Remember, healing the brain and nervous system takes time, but it is possible. Be patient and stay committed to these protocols.

References: Anthony William's work, including his many books and online resources, supports many of these remedies. For more information, please refer to his free online resources.


10 Snacks for Adrenal Health and Cognitive Function


Health Challenge Support Group - Intentions for Personal Growth & Healing