Heal. Transform. Thrive.

Your Journey Begins Here.

My integrative approach to healing addresses mind, body, and spirit, propelling you on your path toward transformation and wellness.

Hi, my name is Tasha

I support individuals and their families who are navigating mental and emotional challenges like anxiety, depression, neurodiversity (ASD 1), PTSD, eating disorders, and addiction, as well as physical issues such as chronic illness, gut problems, brain function complications, and autoimmune diseases.

With 15 years of therapeutic expertise plus a lifetime of lived self-healing experience, I guide clients to identify and move beyond self-limiting beliefs and patterns, facilitating profound transformation and healing.

Together, we address the root causes of mental and physical illness to create a life defined by freedom, joy, creativity, and ease.

Everyone has the power to heal

We all share an innate capacity for healing and transformation. Sometimes we become disconnected from this energy and require some guidance.

This journey is about tapping into your body’s own wisdom, developing self-compassion, taking control of your process, and cultivating and employing practical strategies and tools that foster healing and transformation on all levels.

My Mission

My mission is to empower individuals facing mental and physical challenges to experience true transformation and healing and, in doing so, create a life enriched with health, freedom, joy, and ease.


Through my own healing journey and years of supporting clients, I've developed a deep understanding of how to navigate and transform a wide range of mental and physical health challenges. Below are key areas where I specialize in guiding individuals toward healing and renewal.

  • Chronic Illness

    Manage your chronic illnesses, including auto-immune diseases, cancer, gut issues, chronic fatigue, and mysterious illness.

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    Embrace your healing journey with supportive strategies and techniques that help you regain control of your life.

  • Digestive Issues

    I provide nutrition guidance to improve digestion, gut health, and overall wellness.

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    Reach your full potential through hands-on, day-to-day support, accountability and life skills building.

  • Eating Disorders

    Confront challenges like bulimia, anorexia, and food addiction using strategies that foster self-love and a healthy relationship with food and the body.

  • Anxiety & Depression

    Find compassionate support for health challenges such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and mood disorders, fostering mental resilience and stability.

  • Brain Fog/Fatigue

    Address symptoms of brain fog and chronic fatigue using lifestyle adjustments, nutrition, and supplementation.

My Amazing Clients

Here are a few common attributes among clients who experience the deepest transformation.

  • You’ve been dealing with these challenges for so long and haven't found the answers you’re looking for. You are ready for real change, real healing, real transformation.

  • You're ready to commit 100% to your healing. This means making lifestyle changes, building a supportive environment, and showing up for yourself every day.

  • You're prepared to be open and honest about the challenges you're facing, even if they bring up challenging emotions or require changing your self-narrative.

  • Some of the strategies that my clients find helpful, for example around nutrition, supplementation, and emotional work, may be new and different. My most successful clients keep an open mind and try new approaches.

Mimi, 25

After completing an in-patient therapy program, I joined a transition program for two years. Tasha supported me for 3 years. I found her deeply empathetic, compassionate, and easy and safe to talk to. I consider myself extremely lucky to have had Tasha as a pillar of support.

Jesse, 30
Tasha is so special as a coach and a friend. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety and had a difficult time transitioning into adulthood. She never judged me. She also pushed me when I needed to get out of a slump. Tash is so sweet and relatable and is an all-around warm presence.

Olivia, 25

Tasha has been a blessing in my life. I walk away from each session feeling lighter and calmer. She listens deeply and translates my thoughts and feelings so I can better understand myself. She is mindful and patient and always creates a safe space.

I’m not your healer. You are.

I’ve healed myself from mental and physical health conditions like addiction, eating disorders, brain fog, auto-immune disorders, anxiety, and digestion challenges.

This is a lifelong path, and it takes courage, honesty, and plenty of hard work.

From a place of deep understanding, I can offer the guidance, advice, and support you need to navigate your own path successfully.

In the end, it’s up to you to transform your life, and like so many of my amazing clients, I’m confident you have the strength and dedication to thrive.

Health Challenge Support Group

I truly cherish our community of individuals on a healing journey.

Join us for the Health Challenge Support Group, held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6pm MST.

This group provides a supportive and welcoming space where you can share your experiences, discover new healing strategies, and offer mutual support. It's an opportunity to connect with others who understand your journey and to gain valuable insights into managing chronic illness.

Upcoming Session:
When: First Tuesday of every month
Time: 6pm-7pm MST
Platform: Zoom
Link to Join: RSVP and we’ll send you a link plus reminders so you never miss a session.

What’s an Integrative Approach to Health and Wellness?

It’s a holistic strategy encompassing an array of practices that nurture the mind, body, and spirit. It is designed to address every aspect of human health and ensures a balanced and comprehensive path to well-being.

Physically, this approach prioritizes nutrition and supplementation alongside practices such as yoga, walking, and varied body movement programs. Emotionally, it integrates therapeutic mentoring, stress reduction techniques, community engagement, awareness practices, and the development of healthy relationship skills. Spiritually, it encourages the enrichment of one’s inner life through meditation, a deep connection with nature, self-exploration, and engagement with spiritual teachings.

My approach values Traditional Western Medicine, acknowledging that at certain junctures, it can be important in people’s health journeys.

The Resilient Grace Team

LeAnn Gentry

Holistic Mentor

Specialties: Executive Functioning, Mental Health and Wellness, Organization

Tasha Darwent

Integrative Health Coach

Specialties: Chronic Illness, Nutrition & Supplementation, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Eating Disorders

Pete Stevenson

Holistic Mentor

Specialties: Autism Spectrum Disorders, Executive Functioning, Professional & Financial Coaching, Addiction, Health and Fitness

Healing Resources

Check out our resources for articles, book reviews, events, and more, designed to support your healing journey.